The ABICV Association is an association of the scientific and human potential of budgetary institutions for state cadastral valuation and federal and regional executive authorities in the field of land and property relations. The Association is a leading organization that carries out research and methodological developments, consulting and training in the field of state cadastral valuation, economics, finance, taxation and real estate management.


  • Analysis of legislation and development of a regulatory framework;
  • Integrated development of territories and analysis of urban planning potential;
  • Scientific and methodological analysis and justification of business processes and development directions;
  • Development of applied digital platforms and applications, including geographic information systems and specialized software for the purposes of mass assessment;
  • Training of specialists, holding scientific and practical conferences and seminars, methodological support, analytics and monitoring of the activities of industry institutions;
  • State cadastral valuation;
  • Inventory of real estate objects and involvement in the economic turnover;
  • Remote sensing of the earth;
  • Complex cadastral works. RESULTS OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR 5 YEARS: At the initiative of the Association, a working group was created in the State Duma of the Russian Federation to improve legislation in the field of land and property relations. 16 amendments were made to various bills. Assistance to the Office of the Federal Service for Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in the development of guidelines. Comprehensive audit of the property fund of the federal executive body and the formation of a development strategy. Support for the implementation of GIS systems in 30 regions of the Russian Federation for the purposes of urban planning, housing and communal services and resource-supplying organizations;

Full automation of the activities of specialized institutions for the mass assessment of real estate for tax purposes;

Seminars are held on a regular basis to improve the skills of specialists. More than 1,000 people have successfully completed training; 16 All-Russian scientific and practical conferences were organized, dedicated to solving problems in the field of effective management of territories, the formation of a fair taxation system, the development of spatial data, cadastral valuation and integrated cadastral work;

With the assistance of the Association, the process of cadastral valuation was organized in 30 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In particular, in 2019, together with the central office of Rosreestr (The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography), assistance was provided to the Republic of Dagestan in the timely implementation of the state cadastral valuation, for which the participants in this event were awarded letters of thanks from the head of Rosreestr of Russia and the head of the republic.

The Association oversees complex cadastral works in relation to more than 600 thousand real estate objects, including providing consulting assistance to state customers and contractors in the preparation and implementation of these works.

In the implementation of these tasks, technologies for remote sensing of the earth are actively used and GIS systems are being finalized.


Vasil Maratovich Mazitov

President of the Association


Ramazan Kyzirovich Bauyev

Executive Director of the Association


Iskander Bulatovich Meldebekov

Chairman of the Council of the Association


Oleg Vladimirovich Mokrushin

Head of the Scientific and Technical Expert Council
