Difficulties in training cadastral appraisers! Low wages! The complexity of interdepartmental interaction is characteristic of most regions of the Russian Federation! Surrounded by strong and active professionals, we employees of budgetary institutions are able to implement the state cadastral valuation at the proper high level. Together, shoulder to shoulder, we are able to solve the most complex problems, helping each other in difficult periods of work. That is why we created ABUKO - the Association of State Budgetary Institutions for Cadastral Valuation. This is a combination of the best practices of the state cadastral valuation, which will be equal to the beginning budgetary institutions. Now you can become a part of it - Join now! To solve one of the main problems in the training of qualified personnel, ABUCO conducts workshops on cadastral valuation. In Sevastopol, a city of federal significance, specialists from public institutions from Murmansk to the Republic of Crimea, from Kaliningrad to Irkutsk are trained.